Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sometimes With Age Comes Needed Change

     Fitness plateaus....We all have them.  We all hate them.  They are like a brick wall standing there, unmoveable, between you and success.  And it is up to you to find the means necessary to break through the wall, go around it, over it, whatever. 
     Most of the time, fitness plateaus come in the form of a physical obstacle.  Those last 5 stubborn pounds that refuse to whittle away from your thighs, that muffin top you can't seem to shrink, or (ladies, can you hear me?) that tricep "waving goodbye" after you've stopped actually waving goodbye.  But what if you find yourself in the trenches of a plateau that seems more MENTAL?  Where your mind is blocking your progress and actually halting the physical progress for you?
     I am finding myself stuck in some mental trenches of my own these days when it comes to my own fitness journey, and it has been going on for about a year and a half now.  I have come to realize that I am dealing with a personal obstacle that I NEVER thought I'd be going up against....
Trying to make exercise a habit again, post-surgery.
     Anyone that knows me well knows my passion for good nutrition, and exercise is right up there next to it with all the things I believe in to keep your physical self in top condition from the inside out.  Making exercise a habit was never an issue in my life, and I never understood why it was never an issue....until it all of a sudden was one.
     If someone has never had a joint surgery before, they don't realize how it can affect your life after the fact, not to mention your mental state.  Nowadays, I have some sort of pain and discomfort, albeit minor, on most days of my life.  I have never lived with pain/stiffness as a part of daily life before now.  For me to not have pain or stiffness from my osteoarthritis basically all the weather systems in the universe have to be perfectly aligned, (i.e. humidity levels, rain/no rain, temperature, etc.) and believe me, I RELISH those days.  They are few and far between!  This reality has forced me into changing the way I approach fitness and my own body. 
     All this change since the surgery has really made me realize how much I used to treat fitness strictly as a form of vanity.  In my twenties it was all about achieving the perfect body...perfect muscle tone, perfect abs, perfect cardio levels, you name it.  And not to toot my own horn, but I achieved all that and more!  In my twenties I also had no limitations.  I could do Tae Bo one day, go running the next,  do a heavy leg day.  What girl would get bored when you're always "shaking things up" and keeping fitness fun?! 
     Now that I'm in my mid-thirties however, I'm facing different challenges that were not there a decade ago.  My body doesn't react to the same fitness regime of my twenties.  I get incredibly sore more often, my thighs have a little less tone and a few more dimples than in the past, and my knees have very little shock absorption.  Therefore I have had to lower the intensity of my workouts quite a bit from the past.  And for a Type A-girl like me, that equates to feeling like I'm not really getting anything out of it.  And when I feel that way I get on the inevitable quit/start rollercoaster.  If you're not sweatin', you're not really workin', right?  LOL!
     These days I am learning how to train my mind not to work out for the perfect body anymore, but to workout like I need to in THIS stage of my life....for basic everyday mobility.   And I know that it takes time to train your mind to approach something differently than you have for the past 3 decades.  Old habits die hard.  But I am wise enough to know that any level of fitness starts in the mind, and transcends itself into how you physically feel.  I know I will get there.  I have climbed over fitness mountains before.  I know how it feels at the top, because I've been there.  Now it's about conquering a different type of mountain.  I'll keep you posted....   

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Do My Thighs Look Fat? Yours Don't!

     Women are crazy human beings sometimes.  I have heard men say this all the time, and it used to go in one ear and out the other.  As I creep into my mid-thirties however, I have experienced enough of life now to know that men are not that far off by saying that!  Men are fairly simple creatures where most of the time what you see is what you get.  They are single-minded thinkers who don't spend a great deal of time ruminating over things that they cannot control.  They don't spend an hour in front of the mirror deciding what to wear.  They don't wonder if their thighs always look fat.  They don't hang with their bestie because he looks like he just jumped out of the latest Ralph Lauren ad.  And they DON'T bond over their body parts!  (Well....I guess they do with SOME body parts. Ha!)
     I, myself, am one of those rare species of a woman who has the brain chemistry of a man.  Unlike many women, I don't have a lot of female friends.  I truly believe that has a great deal to do with my personality and my lifestyle.  I'm a blunt, straight-to-the-point kind of gal who doesn't like to sit around and talk about my problems when I could be going out and trying to find a solution to them.  I tend to take issues I might be dealing with to my husband, in particular, because he loves to come up with solutions and tailors them to me in a way that works with my personality which I am always grateful for.  I hate it when women gripe about being fat, but have never set foot inside a gym or consumed a fruit/vegetable.  (Are you getting my blunt, straight-to-the-point drift yet?)
     So, back to the topic of body parts.  Here's what baffles me to no end....Why do women bond over being fat??  Whether I'm in a store, at work, or even at Starbucks, there is always some sort of "competition" going down about who has the most jiggly arms or who can mash the most cellulite between their hands!  Really, ladies??  Aren't there other things in life besides the size of our thighs?
     I recently came across a blog called 'THE MODERN COUGAR' that made some excellent points about how we women bond over negativity because it helps us form a connection, albeit, not a healthy one.  Women are likely to engage in behavior that mirrors their female friends because fitting in and being accepted is basically part of a woman's anatomy.  It's how women have been taught to interact.  We have also been taught that a woman who looks better than we do or that feels happy with herself is the enemy and a substantial form of competition.
     There has also been a lot of negativity in the media lately about a former plus-sized model named Chrystal Renn who recently changed her lifestyle habits and lost some weight.  Granted, she is now a healthy size 6-8 and not a zero like everyone is making her out to be.  Many curvier women looked up to her because they could relate to her seemingly soft, rounder figure that MIRRORED theirs.  (Does that phrase sound familiar from above?)  Now they feel like they have no one to emulate.  Ladies, it's time we stop looking to celebrities and magazines for role models and start finding ways to be the best looking females that WE can be!  If you don't have the genetics to be a fitness model, and you want to look like one, be prepared for a long road to travel.  That girl you know at work that works out religiously?.....Bring her aside one day and ask her what her secrets are!  Stop looking at her in a negative light because she has the discipline and willpower level that you spend so much time talking yourself out of!  Once you start looking INWARD at the mental cobwebs that are clouding up your thinking, in regards to your own body, you will start to focus more on what YOU need to do to stop competing with other women.  Women with high self esteem tend to stand alone because they are too busy making stuff happen in their life to sit around talking about what they wish they could do.  These women stand alone because they are the exception, not the rule.  Isn't it about time that you stood alongside them?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Health Benefits of Beer

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  Every Irishman's favorite holiday is upon us today!  Did you get pinched for not wearing green?  Did you receive your smooches today from your fellow Irish clansmen?  I am not Irish (that I know of) so I often forget this holiday even exists until it is thrust upon us through the sea of green everywhere.  Hence, I forgot about it until I went to work today without a green shirt on. Haha!
In honor of everybody's favorite beer-drinking holiday, I thought I would let you in on a few health benefits of beer!  Surprisingly enough, beer does have A FEW health benefits.  Knowing this doesn't mean you need to go out and become a lush either though.  Remember every health nut's number one rule of thumb...everything in moderation!  I know you Irish folks will probably ignore that today though, so I'll humor you.  :-)
     Alcoholic beverages, including beer, have been shown to slightly boost HDL ("good") cholesterol,  lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and thin the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
This is true in regards to moderate alcohol consumption which is equal to one 12-oz beer for women and two for men.
    Beer contains hops, and some studies show that the compounds in hops may slow the release of calcium from bones, preventing it from forming stones.  Moderate beer drinking has been linked to higher bone densities in women.  (Remember....I said MODERATE! wink, wink).  \
     Note I didn't say A LOT of vitamins and minerals.  Don't go and pretend your beer is your daily multi-vitamin!  A standard 12-oz lager contains just under 1 gram of fiber and a dark beer has just over 1 gram.  In general, regular beer contains some B vitamins.  A beer also has some calcium, magnesium, and selenium too.
So go ahead and toast St. Patty's Day with a beer tonight!  And may the luck of the Irish be with you on your healthy journeys!

Source:  Reasons to Reach for a Beer, Cynthia Sass, RD, MPH:  (SHAPE Magazine)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Things Women Are Better At Than Men

I was feeling a little femenism running through the veins today, so I thought I'd give a shout-out to all the ladies out there who can see a little bit of themselves in the following examples.  These are some areas where women clearly have the upper hand on men.  Men, don't try to argue with these because you know that they're true.  We outlive you, so you should already know that.  :)

     Women now earn approximately 60 percent of all Masters Degrees and have finally caught up to men in earning approximately 50 percent of Doctoral Degrees!  More highly educated women are out in the workforce nowadays than ever before!
     Estrogen naturally found in our bodies suppresses an enzyme that interferes with our defense system.  Does that mean that we'll come up with an estrogen-like immune booster for men in the future?  :)  Also, because of their strong ties to their family and other relationships, women produce more of the "feel good" hormones like oxytocin and seratonin.  These feel good hormones promote lower stress levels which also help the immune system tremendously!  Come on men, show us your feelings!  We promise we won't tell anyone.  (wink, wink)
     Women are three times more likely to see a physician on a regular basis and keep tabs on yearly health screenings such as Pap smears, mammograms, blood pressure checks, etc.  Because of our being proactive about our health concerns, on average we live longer than men!  Yahoo!
     As women age they are more likely to make healthier choices over time as opposed to men.  I personally think this has more to do with how women are perceived in our society versus anything else.  Women are still shunned for getting older or gaining weight, while men are revered for their looks well into older age regardless if they are 150 pounds or 250 pounds!  Maybe being looked at as sex objects is a good thing in some ways.  Women are more proactive about eating right, exercising, lowering stress, etc. all because of the pressure to look like we are 40 when we're 75.  Ladies, we need to start getting on our men's case a little more about their looks!  Maybe then they'll actually get off the couch, go to the gym, and lift more than a beer can in front of the TV! 

There you have it.  Ways women (healthfully) outshine men.  And this is only the start of it.  I say it's time for men to bring their naturally competitive nature to the surface more when it comes to their health.  You don't want us to continue to make you look bad, do you??

Monday, February 13, 2012

Have a Healthier Valentine's Day!

     Our favorite love holiday is upon us again, ladies and gents!  What I deem as the third-worst holiday for unhealthy food intake (right behind the yearly health debacles we call Thanksgiving and Christmas) usually results in what can easily be compared to a diabetic meltdown.  I am one that typically doesn't like to receive chocolate on Valentine's day due to the fact that the box might be inhaled before the day is over, so better to not receive it. (Out of sight, out of mind, right?!)  So how about trying a HEALTHY Valentine's Day this year for you and your honey!  I'll give you some ideas of what the perfect healthy V-Day scenario would be for me.  Now keep in mind, this is not "the norm", so most people would probably think I'm nuts (hey!...nuts are a healthy V-Day snack! Haha!  I track) but go with me here and make your own changes to suit your own fun and healthy spin on it if you wish.

     Massages are obviously very good for your mind, body, and your spirit, so give your special someone a relaxing deep tissue, preferrably in the morning to start the day off in a relaxed, recharged kind of way.  Plus massage breeds closeness and intimacy.  Love is in the air already!
     Chocolate covered strawberries are probably one of the healthier treats to have on this day (or any day, for that matter) especially when they are dipped in DARK chocolate!  Ultra-yumminess!  Find some big, plump and juicy ruby reds and turn them into heavenly chocolate jewels with a dip in the 75% or higher variety, meaning find some dark chocolate where the level of antioxidant-laden cacao bean in the chocolate is 75% or above.  Your heart (and your stomach) will be happy!
     When you're out later at dinner (like everyone else in America) there's nothing wrong with making some healthy tweaks to your choices...and you don't have to sacrifice taste.  Instead of beer, soda, etc, choose a nice, smooth glass of red vino to start.  Red wine contains resveratrol and other polyphenols that are really good for the heart and the arteries, keeping them clean and healthy.
     There are ways you can still "have your cake and eat it too" so to speak.  Try putting your dressing on the side with your salad.  When you take a bite of salad, lightly dip your bite in a bit of dressing.  You'll save HUNDREDS of calories by not putting it all on the salad!  Also, say you get chicken fettucine alfredo as your main dish.  Ask your server to have the kitchen go lighter on the alfredo sauce or better yet, put the sauce on the side as well.  That way, you actually have control over what goes into your mouth and what doesn't!  'Cuz we all want to keep that slim waistline, right?!
     Well I thought I was going to keep this short and sugary sweet (yes, pun intended) but I guess that's all I've got, for now.  Keep it simple and fun!  Have a happy and healthy Valentine's Day everyone!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Making Exercise a Habit Again

     After having reconstructive knee surgery last March, I have pushed through various obstacles at various times on the road to recovery.  For the first 4-1/2 months it was grueling physical therapy, extending up to 6-8 hours a day. (My "full time job" at the time, yes?)  Then came the task of teaching my leg how to walk correctly again, use the stairs again, etc.  It's amazing how after a year of limping, your body adapts to that and thinks that is a correct walking stance!  And now the biggest hurdle of all......trying to make exercise a habit again.
     See, the problem with the timeline of returning from an injury is that, during that time of recovery, you have other things you need to put your efforts into, which takes your focus away from going to the gym.  Inevitably, you end up "out of the habit."  Before my surgery I couldn't understand why people found it so hard to get to the gym!  I was going nearly every day without even a second thought!  It was like breathing for me.  Now I understand how, when life gets in the way, it is VERY easy to just put your health on the shelf and save it for another day.
     I want to share some ideas with you that have helped me GREATLY improve on making exercise a habit again.  They are small things at first, but lead to BIG impacts when you're ready to make a more solid commitment down the road....
     Some people like to dive headfirst into the deep end when they've never touched water.  I have been one of those people in the past that tries something too soon, too fast, and ended up on the couch not being able to move the next day.  However, with something as big as a surgery, I knew that approach would backfire.  When I was first coming back into the "normalcy of life" stage, I started out with a goal of just walking in the doors of the gym and just doing SOMETHING.  Also I set a goal to only allow one day's rest in between workout sessions.  These things are important because they start you on the train to habit-town!
     Remember when your name was synonymous with "gym rat" back in the day?  If you don't, it means that your health has become lower on the life totem pole again.  Re-training your mind and the way you think about health is important!  Probably the MOST important thing, because this is the NUMBER ONE REASON why people fail...they fail in their mind before they even make an attempt to start!  Fill your mind EVERY DAY with positive health affirmations like these:
"I choose to be healthy because my family and friends deserve the best ME that they can get!"
"I exercise and eat right to BE HEALTHY!"
"My body is strong and healthy, and capable of amazing feats!"
You get the idea.....EVERY successful endeavor someone has attempted has started IN THE MIND.  They BELIEVED that they could do it!
Two very simple things to focus on that bring big results later!  It's like anything else in life...focus on the little things and the big things will take care of themselves.  Start with small exercise habits and the bigger feats in the gym will eventually feel so small again.  Good luck! 


Sunday, January 29, 2012

This Is Your Body On Insomnia

Sleep is usually one of the first things to go by the wayside in our now overly busy culture.  It's now become as easy to put off as diet and exercise.  However, lack of sleep can have DETRIMENTAL long-term effects on the body.
Here's what happens to various parts of the body.......
YOUR BRAIN---A new study shows that sleep is necessary to rejuvenate the connections between brain cells; these connections become increasingly erratic the longer you're awake.  According to researchers, the most easily disrupted connections were those essential for memory, executive functioning, and attention.
YOUR MUSCLES---The body produces growth hormone during sleep, a function necessary for building and maintaining healthy muscle tissue.  So over time, insomnia can zap strength.
YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM---Sleep deprivation lessens white blood cell activity, which ups the risk of getting sick.  In turn, a healthy immune system promotes deep sleep, so long bouts of insomnia can create a vicious cycle.
YOUR BLOOD SUGAR---Insomnia interferes with the body's ability to metabolize glucose, leading to early signs of diabetes.  One study showed that regularly snoozing less than six hours a night makes you 4.5 times more likely to develop pre-diabetes.
YOUR MOOD---Sleepless nights don't just make you irritable; new research shows that people who suffer from chronic insomnia are five times more likely to become depressed and 20 times more likely to develop panic disorder.
     Do your best to make it a HABIT of getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night, and try to hit the pillow at the same time every night.  You will be amazed at how much more alertness and energy you will NATURALLY have in order to make it through your hectic day!  Then you can lay off the red bulls and your coffee-pot-a-day habit!  Sweet dreams!

(Source:  A New Bedtime Story, Dr. Mehmet Oz; The MISSOURIAN; 1/22/12)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Truth About Supplements

     Supplements are a hot and sometimes controversial topic these days.  The nutritional supplement industry has grown by leaps and bounds, especially within the past decade.  You can't drive down a street without seeing another GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, etc on every corner, not to mention the countless network marketing companies out there that are based around vitamin/mineral supplementation.  It's no surprise that more and more people are questioning whether or not to believe "the hype" as they like to call it.
     When browsing the grocery aisle or the vast world of the internet, here are some very important things to consider:
     Nowadays, a multivitamin should be the bedrock of your supplement routine.  Contrary to popular   belief, it is very hard to get all the nutrients needed on a daily basis through one's diet alone.  This fact is especially true in the midwestern regions.  For example, in the midwest, we have to deal with fruits and vegetables that are picked and packaged way before they are ripe, and then they go through the ripening stage during shipping or even after being on the shelves for some time!  This robs them of vital nutrients that are supposed to be found naturally in the food.  A good multivitamin will do the job of filling the gaps that our modern diets fail to fill.  Our bodies need at least 90-100 nutrients a day in the forms of vitamins/minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, fatty acids, and other herbal blends.  If your current multivitamin is not measuring up to that, you might want to consider researching other brands.
     The FDA will try to tell you all the "dangers" of nutritional supplements because the FDA only regulates drugs and the like.  Since many nutritional supplements are considered food, or "all natural", the FDA will tell you any way they can that they are unsafe to consume, because the FDA wants to make the drug companies and themselves more money.  For instance, at one point it was stated in the headlines that too much Vitamin A in your diet could be toxic.  Well, a single carrot has well past the RDA for a person's intake of Vitamin A.  Should we stop eating carrots?  No!  Your body is smart.  When you take a supplement, your body will use what it needs and the rest will be eliminated.
     I am someone who is a huge promoter of doing your due diligence when it comes to your health.  Take the time to research what's out there.  Especially due to the fact that there are so many companies out there!  Until I started researching a little bit more, I just did what everybody else did and used your basic multivitamins and supplements from the grocery store, such as your Centrums and One-a-Days, which don't even contain HALF of what your body needs on a daily basis!  Not to mention they aren't even in a humanly digestible form.  For myself in particular, in 2003 I came across a nutritional company called SYMMETRY DIRECT, who's supplements I continue to use to this day.  Their staff is constantly updating their supplement line to be at the top notch level of what you can find today.  If you would like to research them, the website is  I am still with them because their goals as a company go hand-in-hand with my health goals. 

There are many different roads to take with nutritional supplements today.  Don't just go off of commercials and what you hear from your co-workers or friends.  It's YOUR body.  Take charge of your OWN health.  Your body will thank you for it during your golden years!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Beginnings...

     I have decided to change the course of my blog and turn it into a health and wellness related blog.  I have a Bachelor's degree in Fitness and Nutrition, so I might as well get SOME use out of it other than the obvious uses for it in my own life!  My goals for this blog are to use it as a weekly/monthly forum to educate people on today's issues that I come across with health and wellness information.  Also I plan to tap into some of the emotional issues that lie beneath the surface which seem to be keeping people in a pattern of failure rather than success.  When it comes to having success in the health and fitness realm, the logical as well as emotional sides of yourself have to be dealt with because they both go hand in hand for your overall success.
     Hopefully I can be a source of information and, at times, brutal truth to you in your own fitness and nutrition endeavors.  Until next time....enjoy the journey....